Raising the Amber Flag

What a Perfect Day to Raise the Amber Flag!!!

The sun shone down on our wonderful committee as we proudly and happily raised the flag that everyone worked so hard for over the past year. The Halloween costumes added to the energy of excitement as did the arrival of our special guests; Niall Breslin and Mark Barry. Their arrival really made the day special with one child remarking, ‘I can’t wait to tell my mum that we raised the Amber Flag’.

Mark spoke beautifully as he commended the students on all their hard work in a very important area saying that their parents are so proud of them. Niall praised the committee for raising such an important message about the importance of looking after your mental health and well-being. He taught the children a calming breath that some of the Irish rugby team use and asked the children to share it with others.

He kindly gave the school a signed copy of his new book, ‘Follow my Lead’. This is a treasure of a book which sings out this lovely message, ‘When your thoughts get so busy that you almost feel dizzy, find a seat, settle down, let your feet touch the ground, breathe in and out slowly, bring calm to your mind, follow my lead, and leave your worries behind’.

The journey for the committee has been a worthwhile and valuable one. Here are some reflections by the children, 

‘I didn’t know about mental health before being on the committee, I enjoyed the activities/initiatives and posters that we organised, the posters really create a positive atmosphere in the school, I feel that there is an even kinder, more welcoming and peaceful vibe in the school, it makes you feel good, being part of a team that promotes positivity and helping others and by investing in mental health, we are investing in our future happiness and brighter futures for all’.

What a great achievement by the committee and a wonderful leap on the road to prioritising our Well-Being.

Well done everyone! ⭐🌞🤗💗👍😊🙏👋👏🙌