Garda Vetting
All parents/guardians who wish to help in St Laurence's N.S. with school-based activities, sporting events, tours, etc .... MUST be first Garda vetted.
If you are not already Garda vetted for St Laurence's N.S., please:
download and complete form NVB1 (link below);
return completed form and all supporting documentation* to the school office as soon as possible.
If you wish to check whether you are Garda vetted for St Laurence's N.S., please contact the school office and we will check the files.
Your completed NVB1 will be forwarded to the relevant authorities who will contact you by email with a link to the online Garda vetting form (NVB2). Please submit this online form as soon as possible.
16-18 Year Olds - Please download and complete the following forms (links below):
NVB1 (NOTE - pls insert Parent's/Guardian's email address on this form - all other information should be the Applicant's own)
NVB3 (to be completed by parent/guardian)
Proof of identity(POI)* is required for both Applicant and Parent/Guardian
* Proof of Identity(POI)
At least two forms of identification (originals) must be produced to validate the identity of the applicant when completing the application. One of these should be photographic where possible. There is a points system for the verification of identity where 100 points must be reached. Different forms of identification are weighted with a sliding scale of points (see checklist below). Where an individual cannot reach 100 points an affidavit witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths will suffice. The identity is verified locally by the Principal and copies of identity are retained locally.