
Geography is for children from Junior Infants to Sixth Class. The curriculum enables children to make sense of their surroundings and the wider world. They do so by developing a range of geographical skills as they actively explore the natural and human elements of local and wider environments. They investigate the processes which create, sustain or change physical features and the interactions of people with each other and their environments in the locality and wider contexts.

Geographical Skills and Concepts:

  1. A sense of place and space which describes the development of the child’s awareness of the distinctive characteristics of places, and his/her locational knowledge and cognitive mapping abilities in the immediate environment

  2. Maps, Globes and Graphical Skills

  3. Geographical Investigative Skills

The Strands of the Curriculum:

The strands of the curriculum present the topics which children will explore through the study of…

  1. Human Environments

  2. Natural Environments

  3. Environmental Awareness and Care